Someone who's friend's with someone on the basis of having the same or similar ethnicity/cultural background as them.
Adrian's an ethnic friend of Leo cause they're both Greek.
A filler. The person that fills another's need or want for fun in a non relationship manner. Someone to fill the space until another person comes along.... No ties, No emotion, No expectations.
She/He..... Is a filler. Good enough for fun..... Never a person I'd keep around or engage in life with. "A Toy" a "Friend for Fun".
this is when two friends of the opposite sex play this game on each other birthday only. same way on each birthday they have. the man see if he can get more girlfriends than his female friend can get more boyfriends. and the person who birthday its not that day the other friend. he or she hopes to win to make the loser sing happy birthday to them on their own birthday. so if its my friend birthday i want to win. so she has to sing happy birthday to me on her birthday. and when its my birthday she hopes to win too. and neither one can start until its midnight time on their birthday when it just starting the new day but midnight at night time. so dawn comes after and when you wake up its that birthday. so you have 24 hours. what you do after is your own business. until its their birthday. and start again.
the friends birthday game is the best game i ever played and we only get to do it twice a year one for each other birthday.
The ultimate friend zone level and one of no return, akin to level 100m on the Original Donkey Kong or level 256 on Pac-Man.
The party in question is often so far in they do not realize they are in the midst of the friend-zone status.
1) A guy gets sent a naked picture from a girl who asks him to "make sure she looks alright before she sends it to another guy". He assumes this to be a ruse, that she actually wants his dick. This assumption is false, he is in fact in the nick level friend-zone.
2) There are two guys and a girl drinking in town. Guy 1 thinks he will take the girl home at the end of the night and does not understand why Guy 2 is hanging around so late. This is made clear when it is Guy 2 who takes the girl home, Guy 1 is nick level friend-zoned.
no friends is when you don’t have friends sorry ig LMAO
asher:shut up u have no friends #sad IMAGINE LAMO
A friend who gives items or gifts of little to no monetary value but the item is sentimental to them in some way as a symbol of friendship.
Kylie is my favorite crow friend. She always brings me back a rock or a shell whenever she travels.