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hey are your friends here?

by yaboi769420 September 8, 2021


A person who will act like they care and love you just to drive you down the wrong lane in life and then drive off a cliff and then if you haven’t died yet they stab you in the back with the knife they were carrying the first day you guys became friends (moral of the story don’t make friends they are a waste of time:))

Hannah- yea you know my friend

Jake- yea the bitch who stabbed you in the back with that knife

by Dolantwinsarethebomb July 27, 2018


That one person who would burn down a building with you/for you. The kind of person that wouldn't be at your funeral if you were murdered because they are too busy killing the killer. The kind of person you text for ages and send things like this to.

1; You are an amazing friend

by 1nsertBord0m January 8, 2022


Telling people they can live together as friends even though they have no reason to trust the person telling them that is a good way to get them accustomed to falling in line with an agenda. Gaining their trust, eliminating/crushing resistance to an agenda, and access to or control of something is the intention of someone that does that. People already know who their friends are in life.

People don't need friends they don't already have.

by Solid Mantis February 3, 2021


Not everybody you meet in life is your friend, therefore it's unrealistic to think everybody will live together as friends if they never have.

Not everybody is your friend, and there's no good reason to trust somebody who thinks you need to unify with enemies.

by Solid Mantis November 7, 2020


A friend is the one person in this world who understands you, wordlessly. Someone who laughs with you on accomplishments, and is there for you on failures. Someone who knows what to say for your spirits to rise. Someone who can sit there for hours and just listen to you rant without complaint, and someone who you can do the same for as you have a strong enough bond that sometimes just listening to one another talk passionately is enough. Someone who you consider a second home, the safest place in the world. Someone who’s more than an ear and a helping hand, but a person. A person with flaws that you accept wholeheartedly and love because it’s what makes them who they are. A person who just has to be present around you for you to be overjoyed. Someone who you can communicate with freely and overcome any barrier with. Someone who accepts who you are without judgement, and someone who you accept wholeheartedly with no judgement. A friend is someone who living without would be like having the universe held alone in your hands, with no flavor or joy. A friend is someone who shares your universe and brightens it up without even trying, because they’re simply that perfect, no matter what.
If you have someone in your life who’s this friend, remember to appreciate them as they deserve it. They are worthy of getting back all the things they give. Remember to accept them and be all that you can be for them. Push yourself for them and always be the best you because they deserve that.

“Hey, I want to do a big thing for my friend Zandee today. They deserve the whole universe and more, and I want to show how much I appreciate and what I think of them; but I don’t know how. I don’t think any words, videos, art, or anything in this world could express how much I appreciate and love my dear friend for they are the one who taught me what a real friend means, and the reason I fight everyday and haven’t quit”
“Wow, I don’t know how to help, but let’s brainstorm! I’ll help!”

by The ducks in the hatchet sir November 15, 2021


Forever Reliable Important Even Near Death

I use the term friend very loosely

by Goomba Gawd September 12, 2023