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East Chapel Hill High School

An incredibly competitive public high school that is supposed to be very good but has many problems underneath the façade of high quality education and great test scores. Populated by Nike-covered preps, Chaco-wearing hippie wannabe's, and Ugg-sporting white girls, East is ruled with an iron fist (except when multiple fights break out in the same week and students overdose in school bathrooms). You’re lucky if you find a bathroom not covered in flies breeding off of dirty toilet water, and even luckier if there are still paper towels; meanwhile, the stall graffiti describing the school as a ‘hell hole’ is very accurate. Don't worry, though -- the drugs are plentiful and supposedly high end.
It is looked down on to not take AP classes and SAT scores determine your self-worth. There are some amazing teachers, but also some terrible teachers who should have lost their jobs before they even got hired but unfortunately have survived to ruin students’ enjoyment of subjects as well as their test scores. There are clear social groups separating Honors and AP students from others.

If you enjoy watching teenagers drive luxury cars bought for them by their parents, set up a picnic blanket at the entrance to the parking lot before and after school. Spots are $5 each and the proceeds will go towards replacing broken water fountains and financing the restoration of terrible athletic fields. A new pimped-out golf cart is also needed for the security guard to keep up the school’s image.

"You go to East Chapel Hill High School? Can I come over later and smoke a joint while we study BC Calc and then you can drive me home in your brand new BMW? Thanks, bro."

by whatevenisawildcat June 17, 2015

74👍 5👎

Land o Lakes High school

A sorry excuse for an institution of learning. Plagued with The Seasonal Flu, the November Sickness, senioritis, and Freshmen. The football team hasn't had a winning season since what seems like the Bush Administration. Junior thots block the halls in passing, freshmen screaming at lunch, and the Black Market run rampant. Never ending renovations, occasional fights, and juuling in the bathrooms makes this highschool the best in the area when compared to Sunlake}. Teachers are unable to teach, the food looks like the recycled waste of a vegan, the trophies are old and useless, and the Mellin Regime is eternal and ruthless. God can't save you if you go here. No one can.

Student 1: Where do you go to school?
Student 2: Land o Lakes High school
Student 1: *Slowly backs away and breaks into run*

by lolhs victim November 8, 2019

Metro Early College High School

HELL as we can all agree on that, this school can rape you from behind and kill your living soul.As a dank memer myself instead of taskstream we have ugh, schoology.We still have powerschool and its still the same.The lack of grading from the teachers make me want to jump off a cliff.This school teaches your children to try to kill themselfs after getting a 89% (The grade of pain).As you try to remediate just for a quiz while you try to study for a final exam the next f##king day.Also they made a new part of the building for little middle schoolers to enjoy this hell too.

Mother:Child the teacher has not graded your test
Child:That test was a week ago.
Metro Early College High School in a nut shell.

by PLzsave my memes February 27, 2017

28👍 1👎

Signal Mountain Middle High School

Signal Mountain Middle High School is a Middle/High school located in Signal Mountain, Tennessee. More than 1350 are enrolled. 98% of the school consists of White Republican families that make over $200,000 in their household per year. To be considered decent by the school, you must have Social Media along with a fancy iPhone. The teachers have high expectations. They expect you to study for 9+ hours everyday. The teachers also make sure to give you lots of homework so you have to be locked up in your room studying instead of doing things you enjoy. If you have anything wrong with you, skin wise, looks wise, etc. they will make sure to destroy you will insults about it. No matter how much to try to make yourself decent, they will still insult you. If you are a decent person and not a social outcast, you will be welcomed.

Since my parents don't make $200,000 a year, I can't attend Signal Mountain Middle High School.

by AccurateDictionary December 8, 2017

Paul V Moore High School

a shitty ass school that is full of self conceited cunts and hill bill faggots who think they can fight. half of the girls are thots and the guys are scum bags who only care about getting their dick wet.

Oh Jason, yeah he goes to Paul V Moore High School.

by Barbaramarly January 29, 2018

36👍 2👎

James Island Charter High School

Shitty school where they'll get you for the stupidest shit. Guidance sucks ass. The librarians are bitches and you'll get kicked out for sneezing. The pizza from the cafeteria tastes like ball sweat. Every time you open the bathroom door at lunch a big ass cloud escapes but dont worry juul enthusiasts cause the teachers never go in there. Make sure you bring hand sanitizer though cause the nicotine addicts always block the fucking sinks. Whenever they search your bags its like theyre looking for the map to el dorado but they suck at finding juuls. As long as you slip it down one of your binders youre good just make sure it doesnt fall out when you open it in class. There are always condoms, pods, and loose bags of cheez its in the school parking lot. By god, don't eat lunch in the senior courtyard or a seagull will swoop down and steal your shitty ass fries. The pep rallies suck and the football team doesn't know how to play. There's so many fights you can't tell who's weave is on the ground and the fire alarm goes off at least once a week. Also, don't be surprised if you find some pictures of Mia Khalifa laying around.

Yee Yee boy 1: "Hey you wanna rev our trucks in the student parking lot at James Island Charter High School?"

Yee Yee boy 2: "Yeah, can't wait to kiss my dad on the lips after school today. You got any more mango pods?"

Yee Yee boy 1: "Hell yeah Coach Baldwin hooked me up with some."

by oh?_on_jah? May 25, 2019

14👍 1👎

East Chapel Hill High School

A cool, but unrealistically competitive and smart school where all the guys wear nikes and high socks. Also where people feel dumb if they don't take AP classes, and Republicans are probably more nonexistent than dinosaurs.
In other words, a relatively rich public high school in Chapel Hill, NC.

God, I can't believe those East Chapel Hill High School people. They think a 2300 on the SAT is bad.

by youraveragechipmunk May 11, 2011

112👍 12👎