An alcohol beverage made with a 1:1 mixture of Red Wine and Diet Pepsi.
I was over at Dave's house the other night and I drank a Midwestern Soccer Mom.
When some ones mom is so nasty, that putting your dick in her mouth would be like getting into a dumpster.
If you don't shut up, I will dumpster dive in your moms mouth!
Is a mother who spends more time taking pictures of their children then they do actually spending quality time of their children. Then posting 10,000 fun family photos that they didnt actually involve themselves in.
Beth is such a Photo Mom, did you see the latest in Walmart poses?
A woman in your wife's social circle who is cool and even though you might smash under other circumstances you can be cool and hang with now without sexual attraction and she can still be your bro
Howzit to my favorite Bro-Mom? Down for some tacos?