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Things we use to communicate through messaging or speaking

I am using words to type this. You are speaking words or reading words right now.

by What’s a pseudonym..? June 10, 2019


words are cool.

"Type an example of word"

What, like this one?

by BunnyFoot1717 July 29, 2018


A part of speech people use

How can you (make) that word sound good?

by Datguysowhite November 16, 2019


everything here is a word

Tyrone: yo im saying words

by Skybluehoodie January 2, 2022


A word is something that lots of people use you see.

Word: Word word word? word word word. Word word!

by deezmomiscool November 10, 2022


A word commonly used by useless fucks who think they are clever.

Guy on Urban Dictionary: Hey, the line to type in your word says "word" in it. Wouldn't it be funny if I typed that in?

by A useless piece of garbage November 18, 2018


It's a word what more can it be you dumbass

These are WORDS

by InkyNightmares November 19, 2022