Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk
The Premier of Queensland is a fat whore
To let loose a huge plume of vape unto the atmosphere
Tiffany couldn’t help but rip a fat chuck out the window, taunting 2nd place as she left them in the dust
A 2 hour long Mexican gay porno movie involving 2 fat Mexicans eating a dodgy burrito out of each other's shit covered assholes. Apparently it won a people's choice award as the best and traumatic Mexican porno movie in the world.
Man 1- We should watch 2 Fat Mexicans 1 burrito
Man 2- Hell naw man that shit traumatized me for days
When you find a lady, one that is at least 315 pounds, then proceed to take a loose shit and smear it in the crevices of her “love handles”. After this is done you can then go to have sex with her shitty love handles.
Damn did you hear about Carson doing a Hawaiian Fat Roll with Tabatha last night?
A person u use for giant bowling
Which fat person would u want, «no i brought my own»
A ginger veggie monster who has a questionable relationship with his sister
I’m a fat ginger veg so I’m telling miss shaw