when you feel equally about all variations of a particular thing (mostly applicable to food, potentially applicable to other things with variation)
What type of soup is your favorite soup?
Oh, I’m grilled cheese polyamorous towards soup!
Do you like dark or milk chocolate more?
I think I’m pretty grilled cheese polyamorous about chocolate.
Harvey: Hey what'd you do last night?
Braden: I fucked my girl and got my Philadelphia Cream Cheese all over her.
1👍 2👎
I asked him to give me a smooth facial, but all I got was a face full of cottage cheese sperm.
A Insult to A French man who likes cheese so much
My Brother Antoine, You dumb French Cheese Tosser how DARE YOU!
When an uncircumcised man has intercourse with a woman on her period and leaves the mixture of semen, vaginal juices and period blood to curdle/ferment inside his foreskin for several days. Once the mixture has sufficiently curdled she licks the delicacy off during oral sex.
We had sex while she had her period so I didn’t wash my penis for 3 days and gave her a “chilli cheese dog”.
Someone who doesn't take rejection well & continues to make advances after being told no; a "nice guy";
I went on a date with John and when I told him I wasn't interested in going on a 2nd date, he texted me every day for a MONTH to see if we could reschedule. TOTAL Cheese Goblin.
A suspicious type of cheese. Also Thermonuclear-active, Nuclear-Active, Radio-Active and xX_GameSlayer_Xx Inactive.
ඞ: amogus
ඞ 2: Thermonuclear Cheese
ඞ: im leaving you.
ඞ 2: That's kinda sus ngl
ඞ: I will be with Joe
ඞ 2: Who's Joe
ඞ: iFucked Joe mama