it means your farts smell. nasty bitch. girls dont fart
my fart smell :(
no just shut up
The act of farting while laughing
Courtney W has the giggle farts...
it’s when you giggle and fart at the same time.
Ben Dover: *giggle-farts*
Anna Bortion: Did you just giggle-fart?
When your girl farts on your finger and you stick it in her nose afterwards.
Man bro I gave my girlfriend a fart carrier last night. It was a gnarly one
Response to leaky diarrhea mistaken for suppressed flatulence.
I smell it, but I didn’t hear it. Oh Glob! That’s not a fart!
farting so much that you can’t help it or control yourself.
I’m farting In my boots right now since I haven’t pooped all day