One who is a mom and who also is stank.
Beyonce is a stank mom.
a Stage Mom of the digital age Pushy, obnoxious, crazy mothers who force their kids to act, model & do stupid shit on Vine. Usually turning them into emotionally scared adults. who end up on Dr. Phil.
You: I just got 5k followers!
Viral Mom: My 3 year old has more followers than you... =\_(°°)_/= WUT?
A type of hair style or clothing worn by a mom so as not to embarrass their children and also acceptable in any professional work environment.
My bartender's new hair style is mom edgy.
1. A more retarded way to say "your mom is gay"
Friend 1: your mom have the big gay
Friend 2: no u
Beautiful, badass moms who stick together in this chaotic world to raise our hellions/gremlins/children.
Did you see that group of Village Moms?
Yeah, they are pretty amazing at helping everyone out!
Pegasus moms are the real definition of non-judgmental moms that cuss a lot while drinking a glass of wine (or a whole bottle of wine). We are imperfectly perfect mothers that are strong, fierce and most importantly supportive.
There is a supportive mom helping me in a caring way during a rough time and she called herself a Pegasus mom.
In the event your mom f's up and doesn't apologies, instead she'll suddenly act sweeter or friendlier.
Child: *didn't do anything*
Mom: *nags at child for nothing*
Child: *proves innocence*
Mom: *feels guilt* so want to get ice cream?
Child: mom apology accepted