To be piss poor at something, or have no idea what the fuck your doing.
Dude you really fucked that up. That was a downing move there.
Sticking your hand so far down someone’s pants, you are considered “downing” them
Dude, you were “downing” that chick like nobody’s business!
Downing is essentially looking down from a height into a girls' shirt/bra to look at her breasts.
Term was probably made up in "Bill and Teds' bogus journey" during the Seance scene when the pair looks' down Missys shirt.
Guy 1 "Dude, We're you downing Stacy today?"
Guy 2 "Yeah, I can confirm those breasts are sweet as FUCK."
someone who not only lacks length but lacks girth aswell. A Downing never usually performs in the bedroom and leaves girls feeling very short handed.
girl 1: whatcha get up to last night?
girl 2: uh I met this decent guy in town but back at my place he turned out to be such a Downing!
I can't relax with the gas at the dentist's office, I've been hitting the upside-down beer bong for too long to.
Heather's favorite sex position is the upside down crock-pot.
An expensive 40 inch long wig worn by urban women in the United States
Girl, I'm about to go buy me a bust down 40 "