Something I don’t have and never will
Me: Hey! Wanna be friends
Them: Ew no you ugly fat rat
That dumbass you show sympathy for.
My friend mooches some more food off me but I'm only friends 'cause he has that new PS4
An old 90's(but great) show in which 6 friends go through years together in many adventures like marriages, divorces, pregnancies, and many guest stars. (Courtney Cox, Jennifer Aniston) (rated TV14)
Him: Hey, did you see the latest Friends episode?
Other him: Yeah! Jennifer Aniston got pregnant?!
A friend is someone that you love and who loves you, someone whom who won't ever hurt you in anyway shape or form.
Need a friend?
" I got you!"
You cuddle. Everyone knows you want to Fuckkkkkkkk but you’re in denial you like each other. Y’all be selfish and think you’re the shit. They ask their “crushes” to dances then ditch them to hang out with each other
Sally: “ Adelaide Stole my date from me wtf”
Mark: “Yeah Gary was all over her fuck that guy. They say theirs friends but they be on some bullshit.”
1.A privacy setting on Facebook
2. A group of people on Facebook that you have never met but are willing to share the most boring details of your life with.
1. I uploaded the video I took of last week's karaoke, luckily I remembered to set the privacy to Friends.
2. Dad: Johnny. If you don't get out of the house more often I'm cancelling the internet
Johnny: But dad! What about all my friends