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New Word

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*I had to write "New Word* in the sentence to allow me to submit

by some guy to waste your time June 16, 2021


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All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now's your chance to add your own!
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In the boxes below, link to other words with square brackets. For example, booty will become booty.
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Definitions are subject to our terms of service and privacy policy.

by Μorgz Mum March 7, 2019

New word

When stupid ass kids write inappropriate definitions to stupid made up words and they get published

Did you see that new word sheela posted

by Vosberd78 March 31, 2019

New Word

A suggested box given by urban dictionary to type something if we want to make a new word.

There was a new word suggested in the word box.

by EthanB45 February 5, 2020

New Word

What im doing now of course you idiot

New Words are called

by Fjshdhsj September 9, 2020

New Word

it is used to say that you have added a new word

hey i added a fucking new word

by why? why you wanna know, sus. March 2, 2023

New Word

New Word

New Word?

by alisoonTMS March 23, 2023