this? it's not a word.
' "wiffble?" this is not a word.'
Words and labels used as false/unproven allegations to vilify a person or groups of people.
The user of these words thinks that his/herself is awesome but, in reality, these words are convenient accusations used by the ego, to attack the other person/persons for their unworthiness, to bolster it's own awesomeness. This practice is an attempt by the user, to compensate for his/her true lack of integrity, intelligence, compassion, humility and lack of awareness - usually, unbeknownst to the user.
Example of words that can be used as "boogie man words": cooties, witch, boogie man, fascist, racist, homophobe (and at one time, homo), xenophobe, transphobe, conservatives, Trump supporters, anti-vaxxer, climate-denier, conspiracy theorist, tin-foil hatter, flat-earther, etc...
Pundit: "the democrats use boogie man words to silence the opposition"
synonymous to “rumor has it”
Hey word up Beyoncé dropped an album but did’t tell anyone about it! It’s really good though!
I see you, I get it and I agree
Ahh Hiiiieeeellll yeah DAWG, fo real, WORD UP!!!!
synonym of "polyseme" -- a word (or phrase) with more than one (in the case of a siamese word, typically two) meanings
My favorite siamese word is the word loochie!
definition 1 - variation of "loot," meaning cash, display of wealth (through material objects, including cars, clothes, accessories, etc.)
definition 2 - (portmanteau of "lychee" and "coochie": lychee - tropical fruit native to southern China, coochie - vagina); female genitalia of a desirable smell and/or taste (typically of lychee)
A game in which a couple (or a group), does disgusting sexual acts from Urban Dictionary that contain EXACTLY two words. The game ends when someone forfeits; that player loses and everyone else wins.
Cyan: I heard that the neighbors are doing the two-word whatchamacallit.
Sky: What the-- (vomits)
A hard-to-believe factoid.
That's certainly an absurd word you just uttered.