The type of mom who wants to control your decisions and never respects your opinions.
An example, "Ma, I want to be a actress Im the best at it!", mom; "Putang ina ka, be doctor, no actress!"
These type of moms ruin children's mental health and goals, sometimes put up the child to suicide or running away.
My Filipino mom hits me everyday
A woman with a very curvacous, voluptuous and feminine body, akin to typical mothers portrayed in Pixar movies
dayummmm she built like a pixar mom
When two moms pass each other and each mom overtly looks at the other’s baby to see which baby is cuter. Usually, followed directly by a comment to a spouse, friend, or the baby (as a last resort) about how pretty her own baby is or a back-handed comment about the other child.
I mom-pared little Jessica with Judy’s daughter, Amanda. Poor Amanda has her mother's deep creepy eyes.
Ur mom gaye but it has been infused by Greek mythology
Person 1: What are you doing?
P2: Reading Greek mythology
P1:Ur mom gaia
P2: Then i would be a god
A woman age 27-42 that has a mom butt.
Those yoga pants really show off Misty’s MMB (Millennial Mom Butt).
When your mamma relaxes you for something bad that happens to you.
I just got fired. I needed a mom calm, just needed to talk thing out, and now I'm ready for more!
Once a female gives birth she becomes a overall stronger person- especially physically stronger.
Don’t mess with her she’s got mom strength.
*gets hit by mom*
Damn that sh!t hurt she really got mom strength