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by TheUltraNoob March 31, 2022


how people annoy you

just stop saying word

by qwerty cultists February 21, 2020


a combination of letters to make it sound like something

how do you spell word

w o r d

by Poopygamer69 February 4, 2019


Type your definition here…

Type and example of how the word is used in a sentence

by Bloo Bari July 7, 2022


(These) (are) (words)

the plural form of word is words.

How to use words in a sentence.

(that's how)

by Örnn the Unshakeable September 8, 2019


a response to understanding someone

Someone: I didn’t get the text you sent me last night
You: ard, Word, I’m a send it again

by puke puke puke March 2, 2022



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Please review Urban Dictionary's content guidelines before writing your definition. Here's the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information.


by No🖐️ October 28, 2021