some cheeto kid who plays fortnite all day TOUCH GRASS
Hello Temmeh whatcha playin
Grandpa: so this is what the youngsters are playing
you have no life if you search this
no lifer if you are a fortnite kid
If you're a Fortnite Kid, you get no bitches and you're a social regret
Look at this Fortnite Kid, hes so cringe
A type of retard that doesn't have a life and sits on FN all day. They usually like to talk sh!t when their losing and their favorite insult is KYS or the F slur. Recommend muting these kids!
FN kid: ur dogsh!t
You: another fortnite kid smh!
You dont even have to play one game for them to say racial slurs
Player: "Hey-"
Fortnite kids "You ******"
Children who play the game Fortnite, but often say that characters that originated in their own game, but Fortnite put in their game, belong to Fortnite.
Fortnite Kid: “BrO HAlO StOLe MAsTEr CHEiF FrOM fORTnITe”
Any normal human: “please go away you Fortnite Kid.”
A Fortnite kid is when someone only plays one game and that game is Fortnite
kid1: Yo, whats up do you wanna play minecraft
kid2: Nahhhh i only play fortnite and im literally the best at it
kid3: kid2 you're the fucking worst at fortnite and play on a nintendo switch fucking brain damaged idiot
kid1: ok shitter go play ur game "fortnite kid"