We fart in small leather pouches to throw at the british
The act of taking a leather pouch of the desired personal size, breaking wind within, and throwing them at other human beings.. particularly those of Britain.
I can't wait to go Feral Farting with you guys later
A fart that smells likes a carvery
Sometimes I do a roast dinner fart
I just chugged a whole can of Pepsi and now I am about to let out a huge throat fart.
When your playing dead by daylight and a girl in your party says her throat made a weird noise
Redness, itching and pain, similar to a mild sun burn, in the area surrounding the anus, resulting from especially toxic flatulence.
This five alarm chili is definitely going to give you a Farts Degree Burn later today.
A crude term for the "butt-hole".
Guy A-"Hey, I fucked the hottest girl last night after we left the bar!"
Guy B-"Stuff it up your fart button Jim, I saw the hog you left with."