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a response to understanding someone

Someone: I didn’t get the text you sent me last night
You: ard, Word, I’m a send it again

by puke puke puke March 2, 2022



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by No🖐️ October 28, 2021


A word used when you use a word.

yo, imma go use this word real quick

by miky_lie7 January 25, 2021


Word is word wich = word that makes word word + word = word. MATH

Word. 😃

by No🖐️ July 9, 2021


yes. its a word. a word is a word, but the word cant be a word without words, even though sometimes the word will be useless the word is when we talk when we sleep or when we uh, without words it isnt a word. a word is a word. and a word, and a wooord...

hey, have you seen that word? jimmy yes, and noone knows how to use a word without words. wait. im stupid.

by mayplersss April 9, 2019


A word is a group of letters added to make what is called a word

a+n+d = and. And is a group of letters forming the word And.

by 6978 March 6, 2017




by Stevenlovesmemes192 February 29, 2020