The forney Texas may 28 possible tornado was reported at around 6:00 am, wind speeds reached 75 mph, knocking over trees and destroying fences. Tornado sirens went off soon after the alert was given. On the same day, Valley view and garland was hit by a massive tornado. No lives were lost in forney, across the US, 100 were injured with many others losing their lives on that fateful day, many smiles were lost and the day was turned into despair, May 28 2024, was one of the saddest days for the US.
Forney Texas May 28 Tornado Warning
national prank your friends day
(like april fools)
Hey i just got a tattoo
No way!
Haha jokes, it‘s November 28th remember
National “You can’t get rejected” day! Ask your crush out and if she says no, she isn’t valid.
“I think i’m gonna ask my crush out today” “why today?” “Because today is national you can’t get rejected day, November 28”
National ask your crush out. You have you to ask your out wether they like you or not
Girl to boy: will you go out with me on November 28
National send ur boyfriend a soapytitty pic day
“Hey babe it’s November 28 Send me a soapy titty picture”