Source Code

Fight me

The thing your girlfriend says when she know that she lost. Is also code word for β€œfuck me daddy”

Ugh, you know what just fight me.

by Hero108rude337 March 8, 2018

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fighting cancer

From the idea that frequent fapping lessens the risk of prostate cancer in males.

"I was gonna go out last night, but decided to stay at home and fight cancer instead"

"Every time you fight cancer God kills a kitten. What's worse? Cancer or a dead kitten?"

by Kaleidoscope July 2, 2005

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Fighting Demons

Another way of saying "doing algebra homework".

Person#1: Hey, what are you up to
Person#2: In my room, fighting demons

by Graa Graa Gramaaa May 4, 2022

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Giraffe fight

A giraffe fight is when males try to establish dominance in a pack to impress a female. Usually the males greatly outnumber the females.

(at a party with a high male to female ratio) Oh man, its a giraffe fight in here.

by Bankenfeur May 22, 2009

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fight the fuck on

A play on USC's "fight on," it denotes that you are really excited (or really drunk) for Trojan football.

The Trojans are winning today. "Fight the fuck on!" #FTFO

by USCgal December 1, 2013

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gun fighting

2 guys comparing the size of their respective manhood.

Avril walked into the room unexpectedly and caught Chris and Richie half-naked, gun fighting.

by nickk_c November 24, 2010

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fight day

You can fight anyone anywhere at school on October 22nd.

You come to school and just go crazy throwing your fists.

Hey it’s fight day! Go fight that guy over there for no reason at all!!

by Fivestarlovesyou October 22, 2019

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