It’s where you smoke out of your asshole
I can do 3rd hand smoke
Made popular by Pierre Alexis, this is a figure of speech to describe waiting for something for an extended amount of time.
"How long have you been waiting?"
"I've been waiting since the 3rd grade"
a unknown person in the world. he earns the title as quandale dingles son
"Im gonna go text my guy Quandalious Barnicle Jones Jr The 3rd"
Lord Barquar the 3rd is an amazing ruler of Tilypoo. Tilypoo is the most beautiful country in the world. Lord Barquar the 3rd would sacrifice his life for his kingdom and his people. He always wears a bow tie and has a neutral face with bushy brows. He also has a gorgeous double chin when he laughs and his smile is as bright as the sun(people have been blinded). He speaks twenty languages, including pig Latin and the language of the roaches. He is so extremely brave that he fought a battle against another kingdom all by himself, with his whip of course as well as his blade, Axrius. He has seventeen children with Lady Barquar the seventh. His favourite colour is hot pink, and he is always wearing bright colours, especially the neons, to stun his enemies. He wears a skintight bodysuit to show off his curves. He loves his skinny leather pants more that his wife.
Have you seen Lord Barquar the 3rd?
Yeah, he's gorgeous!
Like in Dorian Gray's song Heather, on the 3rd of december you give someone a sweather you have a close bond with or love/like them.
You gave her your sweather?
Yes, it's the 3rd of december and I like her, now she knows !
The day that your loved one gives you a hoodie! Or you don’t get a hoodie because no one wants you and you need to except your loneliness.
It’s the 3rd of December and my boyfriend gave me my hoodie because that’s what you do on that third of December