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Cheyenne Nicole

Cheyennes are very special but if your ever lucky enough to find a Cheyenne Nicole you better give her the world, she deserves it. Cheyenne Nicole's are typically caring, loving, very sweet, open minded, and just overall an amazing girl, they will give you the shirt off they're back and the food off they're plate. Cheyenne Nicole's will ride and die with they're close friends she's very loyal and doesn't care what other people think and definitely doesn't think twice about getting revenge if you cross her. She automatically makes everyone around her smile whether they're having a good day or not she's always got good vibes and unconditional love. Generally, she's an amazing person and you should try your best to give her everything she asks bc she truly needs it

Girl 1: I wish my boyfriend looked at me like that
Girl 2: Yeah, that's Cheyenne Nicole's boyfriend they deserve each other

Girl 3: your right Cheyenne Nicole is an amazing girl they need each other

by March 5, 2021


A very astoundingly beautiful girl. Once you meet her you will fall in love with her perosnaility, she is very attractive but can be shy at times. Do not get on her bad side or things will take a turn.

"Do not mess with Nicole"

by AkwardJOY September 9, 2017

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A Nicole is someone who is intelligent, kind, shy, and yet outgoing when it comes to being with friends. Nicoles enjoy staying in and watching movies with friends and eating. People enjoy Nicoles once they get to know them.

β€œ Don’t ask Nicole what to do tonight, she’ll just say she wants to watch Odd Thomas and eat Chinese food.”

by ndb2 July 12, 2018

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nicole richy

A person who is dumb, stupid, skanky, rich, and horny. Is also a person who is rude and cares little about other people besides her slut ass best friend.

I feel sry for people with the man Nicole.

Look at the Nicole

Shes so a Nicole!

*yelling down hallway* NICOLE!

by Kaleema April 6, 2005

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Dirty Nicol

There is no such thing as a dirty Nicol. Nicol is pure and clean and beautiful.

Nicol is wholesome, there is no Dirty Nicol

by Footleen June 22, 2021

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Nicole Maines

One of the most beautiful and kindest people you’ll ever meet. The first ever trans superhero on television . Helps you realize that it’s ok to be who you are

Woah did you hear about what Nicole Maines posted

by October 27, 2020

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Nicole the lynx

One of the most cutest Archie characters ever! She's an A.I that was once only a hand held, but now is the some what beloved steward of the freedom fighter's city.

Mephiles's pillow

Tory's and Amy's poor torture victim

Look at dat A.I ass with those boobs

Look at Nicole the lynx , So cute!

by Lynxielynx June 9, 2013

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