A british kid that won't shut the fuck up and is annoying as hell. He also has a buzz cut and the largest forehead I've ever seen
Aidan Loremer please shut the fuck up
Aidan Hauge is a “Vincent Miles”; prior to the human equivalent of photosynthesis.
Example 1) Aidan Hauge (Vincent Miles) ; is a successful business man, running and managing small content creators.
A dumbass nigga that gives me aids
Ayo that boy just like Aidan Spence
Like Aidened, but spelt wrong
Wankered, Shit faced, drunk
I got absolutely Aidaned last night,
How drunk were you on a scale of 1-10? Aidan
When your partner cheats on you
"She went to the coast and slept with someone else"
"Damn bro, you got Aidaned"
Aidan Keeper of Ducks a fucking legend the soundest guy you know be careful he's the bearer of the greatest name in the universe and owns ducks built for war. He is a god among men apart of the AXDXN super army.
Oh no its Aidan Keeper of Ducks in our presence we have to show obedience before he unleashes his ducks.