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A delusion thick stupid toss pot guy.

Too much polishing not enough sense.

Thick as a plant

Barry is thick as a plank

by Douby September 11, 2020


a perso who is being stupid or retarded

Jimmy why did you steal your friends shoe,you are such a barry!

by riimmr June 12, 2017


Someone who talks really fast during presentations or normal conversations nervously

Bro : Aye ya'll hear anything that kid said during his speech?

Other bro : nah man, Bro's a Barry fr

by YayasSoup June 8, 2022


A Barry is a sweet, artistic and shy person who often doesn't show his full colours and capabilities. A Barry struggles in all things numerical but he has a great, well-developed mind when it comes to painting and writing. Barry is bipolar when it comes to being happy and talkative to happy and silent, even though it is very easy to make friends with him, sometimes he will just sit quiet. If A Barry is in love, he will hide his soft emotions with gestures and sayings like: "I don't like anyone!" "I don't like the thought of dating!" or if he was ever asked if he liked someone he would surely reply with "They're so unattractive!" he will also intentionally not speak with the person he likes, but regardless, Barry can tell if someone likes him. Barry will often go by the nickname Bazza, as the name Barry is typically seen on older men. Barry can be bitch at times, he is capable of shit-talking and judging, he will often stare at people for no reason, careless if they're looking back at him, oblivious to what judgement it may bring to him.

Nonetheless, we love Barry!

Barry is holding one of his drawings

His friend walks past, and stops in his tracks to peer over at Barry's drawing
"Wow, nice!"
Barry Silently but joyfully nods, glad that he acknowledged and expressed fondness towards his art piece.

by HabiBari September 20, 2020


Anti-man punk

You’re such a Barry oMg

by Lysandre November 23, 2021


Barry is the first name someone will use to try and finesse a homie. Somewhat like the deez nuts trend, if you say something around the lines of "hey you know barry?" And your dawg goes "Who's barry?" You can say "Barry Mckockinner dumbasss" and your homie will probably beat yo ass

"Hey did you hear? Someone killed Barry."
"Wait who's Barry?"
"Barry Mckockinner dumbass bitch"
"Fuck you get over here imma beat yo little femboy ass"

by MyPPLonger69 October 5, 2022


The hottest guy in school that every girl wants to fuck. It’s a challenge to fit his giant penis in your ass. Whoever does it is a champion. He slides soccer balls into his ass cheeks every night.

I met a “Barry” last night or let’s do a Barry

by 🤚🏾🤚🏾🤚🏾🤚🏾🤚🏾🤚🏾🤙🏾🤙🏾✋🏼👋🏾👋🏾✊🏾👈🏽🙌🏽☝🏻🙌🏽🖖🏼 December 9, 2020