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jean burn

When tou are getin dry humped to hard while still wearin pants, and the friciton makes it burn.

You my girl friend was dry humping me so hard last night i got jean burn

by David Decker September 24, 2007

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afro burn

A wrestling term, after wrestling a african-american the rash and burn. Very similar to rug burn but the oil and the sweat stings more.

Jane:"Did you get rug burn?"
Dave:"No, just afro burn."

Jim:"Dude thats baddd afro burn."
Dave:"I know it burns like a bitch."

by Hunter R. January 29, 2007

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Burn Return

When someone burns you, but you get them back with an even better burn!

Bob (parking a car): Hey Doug,I can't quite get this to fit in here, it's a bit too tight.
Doug: that's what your mom said! Burn!
Bob: no, that's what your grandma said! Burn Return!

by Chris NoPants October 18, 2006

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Burning Monkey

Burning Monkey is a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) that occurs when a monkey nuts in your mouth and your tongue begins to burn and swell up because of a disease a monkey may be carrying.

Last night I slept with my mouth open and woke up with Burning Monkey

by BigBIRD15 December 4, 2018

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Burn the biscuits

When someone completely bungles a situation and fucks everything up for all involved.

I can't believe he fumbled on the one yard line, Bruce really burn the biscuits on this one.

by OpiumEater99 February 16, 2016

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carpet burn

What you get around your lips, and sometimes on your face, after eating way too much hair pie

I ate Donna's wookie patch for two hours, and i got carpet burn on my face!

by Hugh G Rection January 3, 2006

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Germs burn

a cigarette burn mark on the inside of your wrist. originally created by punk legend Darby Crash, it is now a sign of truly dedicated fans of The Germs. you can only get a Germs burn from somene who already got it. a true germs burn has to be a result of the direct line of burns from Darby Crash. once you have one you may give it to other deserving Germs fans. you cannot give yourself on nor can you have a friend who's burn in not from the direct line give you one.

-"dude, i gave myself a germs burn!"

-"if you do it yourself its NOT a germs burn, you faggot poser! i should cut that out of your wrist now"

by Kayleen LT September 19, 2009

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