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skank cancer

a women with a cancerous growth on the skank area

Rhen has Skank Cancer

by joe aaron, miranda May 10, 2007

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Clickbait Cancer

A youtube video with tits or sexy girls in the thumbnail used to attract views.

Bob: 'Did you like my video?'
Tim: 'No its full of clickbait cancer!'

by UnknownAddict April 15, 2016

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internett cancer

internett cancer is when you for an example watch something so bad u feel u get cancer

damn i saw a video of mattybraps he sings so bad it gave me internett cancer

by PsychoZ February 8, 2017


When a person engages in sexual activity with a dying cancer patient out of pity

The ultimate pity-fuck

"Did you hear that Billy has a malignant brain tumor?"

"Yeah I cancer-fucked him last week"

by Mr_whitehair July 13, 2021

Creamy cancer

When a male ejaculates on a migdets penis.

Ah yeah, he had some creamy cancer with my cousin

by Bigdicczaver December 17, 2017

Connection Cancer

When someone on Xbox or PS3 joins your game and fucks up the connection for all players.

"Hey, I'm joining guys."

by MARIJEWUANAS June 10, 2014

Cancer fucker

A man or woman having sex with a person who has cancer and transferring the cancer to the other person

You're mom is a cancer fucker because your dad has cancer

by Daddie pepper :) September 14, 2019