When someone is wearing a very ugly shirt or someones face
Joe:My god ,what is that face.Looked like he just had a plastic surgery fail!
Bill:Nah man he was looking Hella clapped already when he was born.
Kayla:*comes out of room*
John:Oh golly gosh you looking Hella clapped with that drip.
When the clapped vagina is so loose you get loat in 2 seconds
The act of inserting both hands into the anus and clapping them together vigorously
Yo dad do u wanna try some anal clapping tonight? Mom said you do it well
When a ginger is hitting it from behind.
Girl 1: I can’t wait to get ginger claps.
Girl 2: ooo no way do you have a ginger?
When your computer gets a virus from surfing porno sites and/or watching on-line pornography.
Attributed to Lane Leipold
"Hey Lane, you'd better stop watching that porno on your computer , or it will get the computer clap and you'll go blind!"
"I was checking out Jenna Jameson, and next thing I know my computer has the clap; thecomputer clap! "
Before jumping off the starting block for a swim meet, you clap your hands together once like a retarded seal while summoning thor, the norse god of thunder, and proceed to fall/flip into the water, most likely landing on your back. then continue swimming
I just Clap Dived before our relay. I think the water parted for a second.
When someone can't perform well in bed, or something sad/bad happens, they have soft claps
From the latin term - Softius Claptus
Soft Claps - Damn, you heard Justin crashed his car last night? Smh, soft claps bro
That dude ain't got no game, soft claps