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the dead head

when you squeeze the tip of you dick as you get a boner in order to keep the tip at normal size giving you the ability to shoot your cum further.

what t.j. kilmarten gave you the dead head thats fucken sweet.

by red dick that hurt June 26, 2009

Dead kilp

word used to describe a failed troll

He tried to troll me, but hes a dead kilp now.

by Iateyou March 27, 2013

Dead Weight

A person on your team who just exists, and doesn't contribute anything to the game. They essentially give the other team a handicap and you have to tryhard the game to carry them. Then they claim they did so much to help the team when they went 0-100

Anthony is such dead weight in League of Legends, he's been in gold for 7 years!

by LingLingOfChina May 13, 2018

28๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Play Dead

Pretending to be drunk or passed out in a compromising situation in order to escape unintended consequences. Basically when someone is under the influence and uses the "I was really drunk excuse," in this case pretending to "pass out," in order to escape retribution from another individual or group.

Sam was getting a lap dance from Tim's girlfriend, Michelle, when Tim walked in. Sam decided to play dead and he told Tim the next morning that Michelle had given him a lap dance after he passed out.

by Jungle Commando May 14, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Paul is Dead

a legend that creeped me out so badly i have a trauma of it... i couldn't listen to the beatles for a few years...
someone made up a story that some guy replaced the real paul mccartney when he died, they say, in a car accident that decapitated him. they say there are "clues" in the songs when played backwards and in the album covers.
there's a little problem in the legend: there is no real motive for the replacement, and how the hell did they found a guy who: 1. looked like paul, 2. sung like paul and 3.played the bass?
and for the clues, the beatles made so many songs that OF COURSE some freak found something that MAYBE played backwards sounds like someone is saying something that actually doesn't really have sense. and, the cover pictures, they are the same story: if you make up a bit, you can find clues everywhere.

guy1:omg paul is dead! there are all the clues n stuff!
guy2:yes, and that story is based on...?

by buwa December 4, 2006

70๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead Fish

Person who lays in bed without doing anything during sex.

He is real cute but in bed he's a dead fish!

by Xander October 30, 2003

332๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead Whale

Dead Whaling started in San Antonio, Texas, and has been compared to a spastic version of Planking or The Worm. To successfully do the Dead Whale, one must lay down on their stomach with their hands by their sides and begin a series of spastic seizure-like motions using the chest to gain lift.

Concerned Citizen: "OMG! Is that boy having a seizure!?"

Person Filming: "No you moron, he's doing the Dead Whale!"

by Diabeto CISA August 1, 2011

30๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž