When a man or women wishes to describe a statement as a fact
"My man cactus I love him that's a fact-us" Rapper chris "crispy" monk wishes to describe his love for a friend as a fact
A 'fact' proposed by Cracked.com to be truthful but is in fact inherently specious.
Cracked fact - A sandwich started WW2
Per 2 pieces (50 g)
Fat 12 g (18%)
- Saturated 7 g + Trans 0.1 g (36%Z)
Cholesterol 5 mg
Sodium 95 mg (4%)
Carbohydrate 33 g (11%)
- Fibre 1 g (4%)
- Sugar 24g
Protein 2 g
Calcium (4%)
Iron (4%)
Why would you UrbanDictionary this? (107.343%)
twix enjoyer: the nutrionution nutrition facts contain 4rtfthyjghmvj45 4% iron
twix consumer: ok
the Twix Nutrition Facts: twix
these are facts that nobody will pay attention to, because it is amazingly stupid. if you actually look at amazingly stupid real facts, then you probably don't have an A in math.
amazingly stupid real facts is for someone who didn't know that simon and semen are the same thing
It is when people make a random r/technallythetruth thing that is so stupid and nobody needed to know that it gets upvotes even though we don't need that information for life like for example "Humans are humans ".
YOU ARE AN EXAMPLE OF AN Amazingly stupid real facts
A fact that may or may not be useless, but a person named Ralph knows it and it's a very Ralphy fact.
Ralph:"Yo wuz good man did you know pee is stored in the ballzzz???"
Person:"Eyyy man I didn't know that, that's a dope ass Ralph fact!"
Ralph:"Hellz yeah man plus my wife left me"
Sometimes a piece of factual information is worthy of the gospel.
this is a reading from the gospel according to matthew; That is a HOLY FACT man.