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Finger Seizure

When a man or boy attempts to finger a virgin woman or girl. She reacts in extremely fast twitching motions as if she was having a seizure.

Dude, Me and Her were touching each other and i tried to touch on her junk.""yah bro and?""She started twitching like i gave her a finger seizure.

by Sparky'sGotBack June 9, 2010

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six fingers

A way to describe somebody who is seen as being inbred i.e. shagging members of your family.
It is a myth that inbreds end up with six fingers

"He's got six fingers mate!!"

by Hopenessbla November 9, 2007

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poop finger

When you are wiping and your finger breaks through the toilet paper causing your finger to touch your poo.

Aw man I have poop finger after that nasty poo.

by BobnRob September 9, 2008

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Farmville finger

Painful joint pain in the pointer finger that is the result of harvesting, plowing, and seeding too much on Farmville. This condition is more common for people who use Macs, or another computer with the flat mouse.

"Hey, __, wanna get started on that project due tomorrow?"

"Ok, but you've gotta write, my farmville finger is acting up"

by Ogabasi October 22, 2009

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Ring Finger

Definition 1. The Ring Finger is the fourth digit of the human hand located between the middle and little fingers. The Ring Finger is used for wearing of Wedding Rings.

Definition 2. The Ring Finger refers to any digit on the right or left hand (but not the thumb) use to provide finger based stimulation to the anal Oring of a sexual partner during anal play.

Example 1: Sara was so excited to be engaged. She was showing everyone the new rock on her Ring Finger.

Example 2: Sara enjoys it when Carl fingers her asshole. Her preference is for him to use his long, middle finger as his Ring Finger. But she will take any digit she can get when that booty is up and arched from her organic spread.

by Eaton Holgoode April 22, 2015

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Spirit Fingered

Verb: The act of fingering a cheerleader, or fingering any girl but with excessive spirit.

After that party Friday night, I spirit fingered the head cheerleader of the varsity squad.

I was showing a lot of spirit while my fingers were sliding in and out of her.

by spiritfingerer June 23, 2011

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Finger Test

A test used to determine the smell of a vagina. You get a little on your finger, give your partner a hug and when they are not looking, you smell your fingers to see if you want to put your mouth there.

"I didn't need to give her the finger test. I could smell it threough her pants."

by creedmoor October 12, 2004

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