A forbidden friend is like forbidden fruit, you may look, you may even touch, but you mus'n't cross the line of "taking" for yourself.
A forbidden friend may be a best friend, or a friend admired from a distance. A forbidden friend is unique in that there is something that causes a roadblock to complete safety with that friend--most often there is attraction and intimacy, at the same time as the friend is unavailable as a lover--possibly due to prior commitment or lack of desire of total intimacy. This creates tension and complicates what should be an easy and fulfilling friendship. Sometimes the one that desires the forbidden friend feels like creating distance since they will not attain what they want, but that is a loss for both parties. Thus, forbidden friends may continue on a rollercoaster of deepening closeness and distancing until someone closes a door, or someone opens one.
"Who were you talking to?"
Me: just a friend...
"You sounded like it was someone pretty special, not 'just' a friend.."
Me: well, it was my forbidden friend. But I can't do anything about it, so he remains just a friend.
Its someone that knows you better than anyone else. You always see them behind a screen, either their face or their words. And when you hear their voice for the first time itβs like "OMG YOUR VOICE". You just want to spend time and do things with them. When they're having a bad day you wanna hug them, but canβt because internet.
I love my internet friends.
Internet friends are best friends.
370π 24π
People you don't need in your life
Marissa Pugliese is a Fake Friend
340π 20π
Cancerous group on Facebook about Rubik's Cubes
yo dude the admins on cyoubx's friends suck lmao
83π 3π
Marienette Dupain-Cheng
Adrien: God, I want to marry my good friend and have her babies.
104π 6π
An internet friend is someone you just happened to meet online that you had a bunch of things in common with and became friends. But it turns out that that person will be there for you through everything, they will become you best friend. Internet friends aren't just people you'll forget about after a couple months or a even a couple years, if you make an internet friend they will stay with you and be there for you through everything. And those day, months, or years that you get to know each other will bring you so close together. You'll want to be with them everyday and never want to leave there side, but you can't cause they're just internet friends. But when that day comes the day you finally meet, the first tine you see them not through a screenvyou will run up to them hug them and cry, cry because finally you get to see them after all that time, that first time you hear there voice other then coming from a phone or a computer you'll be like, "Oh my god thats your voice! Your real voice!" The day you will them will quite possibly be one of the happiest days of your life.
Girl: Hi
Girl: Hey
Boy: What's up
*2 years later*
Boy: *Runs across the airport to the other 2 girls*
Girl: *Crys*
Girl: *Screams* Oh my god! I can't believe its you!
Boy: *Pulls both girls into a hug*
Everyone: I can't believe I finally got to meet you guys... My internet friends.
341π 22π
One soul in two bodies. Two people who are so close that their actions and thoughts sync together, often thinking and saying the same things at the same time. Very few people have the blessing of a true friend.
True Friends have an in explainable, unbreakable bond, even if they're not there for you, they're still there. A true friend will look at you at your worst time in life, and still call you beautiful and strong. Someone that no matter what you go through, will always tell you they love you, no matter how many times you fight, no mater what you put each other through, you forgive each other easily. A best friend may be around a few years, but a true friend is forever. Even if you haven't seen each other for 5 years, the friendship remains unbreakable. They come to you when you're at your lowest, even when you push them away, they still stay. They know what mood you're in just by looking at your face expression, and they know just how to cheer you up when you're sad. They know everything about you, even more than you know about yourself. They tell you when you do something stupid, but support you through change. You share countless memories together.
You do everything together. They're the person in the passenger seat when you first get your license, also the person you get in countless trouble with. They're the person you take pictures with at your Senior graduation. They're your first roommate, brides maid at your wedding.
Basically, True Friendship is Love.
"I'll always be there for you whenever you need me."
"Thanks dude, you're a true friend."
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