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Lord in heaven save my soul!

What my girlfriend exclaims before orgasming

*Aggressively fucks girlfriend*


*Girlfriend cums passionately*

by Bad C dev November 18, 2024

pussy heaven

Where the pussy that a guy named Daniel fucked goes and where pussy cats go

That pussy went to pussy heaven.!!

by Realnigga84 December 9, 2022

heaven eleven

a convenience store in heaven

"Hey Archangel Gabriel let's buy food in heaven eleven."

by sksksksksksros October 16, 2020

Heaven Good Deeds

good deed: assistance, Happiness, courtesy, Team worker, and helping hand, checking in on someone well being physically and mentally, Encouraging Relationship goals, Church, non-critical, Do No Harm, No -mis guided teaching.

Related phrases
"Do a good deed" is a collocation that means to intentionally do something kind or helpful. For example, "I felt I was doing a good deed by offering to do her shopping for her".

Legal deeds
A deed can also refer to a legal document used to transfer ownership of property. Deeds can be gift deeds, warranty deeds, or mortgage deeds, Digital Cop Presence team deed , Spiritual Cops deed, team and lawyers team deed and Judge team deed , Spiritual business team, Spiritual Food and Spiritual Fashion, copyright and trademark, Spiritual Love, Spiritual speaking, teaching, speeches, Developing social media influencer or Ambassador and Spiritual Money too etc.

My Heaven good deeds or safe Haven of like minded individuals good deed: assistance, Happiness, courtesy, Team worker, and helping hand, checking in on someone well being physically and mentally.

Good deeds and work, or simply works, are a person's (exterior) actions and deeds that align with the moral teachings, emphasizing compassion, charity, kindness.
good deed: assistance, Happiness, courtesy, Team worker, and helping hand, checking in on someone well being physically and mentally, Encouraging Relationship goals, Church, non-critical, Do No Harm, No -mis guided teaching.

by Smoothie8girl February 12, 2025

Bubble Heaven

When you're in a bubble bath with calm music playing and super relaxed. You don't ever want to get out, and you will eventually fall asleep.

Oh man I was in bubble heaven yesterday!

by RobSummers6969 April 26, 2015

Mother of Heaven

A messenger deity that comes down to earth in the form of a celestial bird.

The Mother of Heaven proclaimed a villager as the chosen one, claiming that they would rule the village at adulthood.

by Krmailence May 21, 2024

Heaven Frxst

A misunderstood individual. While it is true that Heaven Frxst is disguised by the nickname "Frosty", Heaven is able to still take your bitch at any time whether it be deemed necessary or unnecessary.

John: Bro... I was like buying some flowers for my bitch the other day and when I came back, I saw her giving sloppy top to Heaven Frxst...
Alex: Man what the fuck? He took your bitch too? I dead ass want to press charges on this nigga...
John: Don't do it, he might fuck your mom next.

by Heaven Frxst December 8, 2019