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King Henryโ€™s

King Henryโ€™s is a mixed school who suspends people for dumb reason lots of people have relationships and so do some of the teachers the headteacher and someone r in a relationship

King Henryโ€™s used to be called Erith School and khs is a short version

by Shitschools April 2, 2020

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Henry thai

An amazing person.
Young, handsome and sweet!
Referred as a great friend.

AW, Your such a henry thai!

by twentysixforty2 November 16, 2010

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henry is homosexual

hahawhawh ahahahahahaha gay ahahahahahahaha

henry is homosexual lol

by fortnite is my favourtie game February 25, 2020

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A cramp in your upper arm. Similar to a Charlie Horse.

"Those push-ups gave me a wicked henry-pig..."

"Some asshole punched me in the leg to give me a charlie-horse, but I gave it right back that fucker with a henry-pig."

by bexterican July 11, 2008

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One of the most bootiful bois out there. Will make you UwU!! Best friend you could ever have. Will go above and beyond to make you feel better, even when there might be feelings of his own that heโ€™s dealing with. Acts tough but is actually a cinnamon roll. His smile lights up THE WHOLE DAMN SKY. I cry. Protect him at all costs, he deserves all the good in this world. ;-;

*Henryโ€™s heavy metal stops*

by IRllyHateYou December 2, 2018

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Henry VIII

400 lb sexual predator, who didn't write Greensleeves.

Henry VIII weighed a lot.

by CaptainCorcoran420 September 13, 2019

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henry jeans

jeans so tight that they look like sweatpants

bruh this fool wearing henry jeans

by 404thunder September 11, 2019

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