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honey grams

Honey Grams

“Honey Grams” The sweet nectar of an older women’s pleasure center, tastes good when licked, the nectar flows when touched, massaged or fingered.

I love eating my Honey Grams!

I went down on her and ate a delicious bowl of Honey Grams!

by Rgruff July 22, 2021

Honey Habanero

The most disgusting whiskey ever produced. Drank only by skinny men with bacne and unusually deep voices.

Did you see slim drinking that waypoint honey habanero?

by BenjaminDover March 29, 2020

Honey BanhMi

Instead of honey bunny, say honey banhmi
It's cute as fuck.

Banh mi is the vietnamese word for bread but can be referred to for sandwiches.
Do you want to be cute and ethnic as fuck? Yes. Be original, hoes. Say honey banhmi.

Awe. Honey banhmi, what's wrong?

by mimilarious February 5, 2018


Quirky, unlike any other woman that you will ever meet. She doesn't play games and she is more straight forward and honest than most women in your life.

She will give and give and give until there is nothing left and she will walk away smiling because she knows that she made you happy. She is spontaneous, seductively beautiful in the most natural way.

The moment that you let her go, she will wish that you didn't because she will be the only woman in your life that will ever make sense of it all. She is perfectly imperfect. Stubborn, beautiful, intellectually attuned, and passionate about changing the way that we see things.

She is a man's last love because any woman after that will never compare. If you find yourself with this woman, treat her with respect, love her til the end, and God don't let go of her because is the greatest best friend and lover that you will ever find.
Man I can't believe you let go of her. She was a real Summer...did you at least get her number?

That girl had a great personality...a lot like a Summer

Man I can't believe you let go of her. She was a real Summer...did you at least get her number?
Summer-Honey is like the most beautiful girl is the world

by Troppssss August 30, 2018

Combining the Honey

When you put honey on top of more honey, making a large pool of honey, and a large mess that you have to clean because you decided to put honey on honey

Yesterday, I started combining the honey. I regret my dumb Choice.

by SirSnyder February 2, 2020

honey hummingbee

what some dumb french bitch on twitter uses to refer brad pitt as

BP my honey hummingbee”

by snowlioness May 8, 2020

The Honey was Black

A phrase that is used to describe a situation in which although the outcome may look promising, it is only structured that way by the people who actually profit from it. The actual idea behind the phrase is that the "Honey" is actually Blackstrap Molasses, which is known to be extremely bitter, mirroring the disappointment one feels when understanding that they've been tricked.

In present tense, use "The honey is black" instead.

Predatory systems or Loans are a beautiful example of this idea. Initially, it seems as though the benefits are worth harboring, but overtime, you come to understand that it either wasn't worth it, or it didn't really give you what you wanted. Especially applicable if such an instance of this has either already happened or it is too late to go back on your decision.

"Tiffany told me that she would try harder to be a better person, and I believed her even though everybody told me not to. You all knew the honey was black, but I went after it anyway. I have nobody to blame but myself."

by Daybreak120 January 26, 2022