Did nothing but deride, demonize, stalk, harass, mock, foist labor on, and ignore.
Hym "And now you feel entitled to the proceeds! It shouldn't be the billionaires who stole it benefiting from it! It shouldn't be the guy the stole it from... It should be you! It should be the public who did NOTHING! The ones who did nothing but reject, shit on, and humiliate the guy who actually did it. I'll kill your fucking kids you pieces of shit. Don't think for a second you'll get away with it."
No you assholes are just as bad as that rich fucking retard you hate. I've seen you shit-heads trample eachother to death over black friday sales. You're boycotting carbonated poison over a guy wearing a dress. You can barely figure out which version of cancer stick you want to die from. I drive drunk (after drinking a 24 pack of Bud Platinum) better than 75% of you assholes drive sober. I literally have better drunk coordination than the greatest MMA fighter of all time. And don't even get me started on the witch burning. Oh! And the imposed schizophrenia! The people following me around. Making sex noises and pretending to be me. It's hard to even make the case that you should have a say in your own lives. Even the WORST THINGS I'VE EVER DONE are STILL entirely theoretical at this point and even the NON-THEORETICAL THINGS have been as subtle and harmless as a warm breeze.
Hym "How about instead of the public having any kind of say in anything I do or think, we start some kind of buyout system where I can opt out of society and get the fuck away from you all as quickly and throughly as possible? You hate all of the things that I am anyway. To trust the public with any decision making power I would have to actually pretend that you wouldn't suffocate me under your heel for a 50% off Ps5. You don't even want me here. So, yeah, buyout system. You all just go fuck yourselves. I just do whatever. Everything's kosher."
An insult for a woman who has lots of sex with different men
Samantha was called a public cow by pedestrians as she walked down the street
Usually used by a person that do their makeup on the subway, train, bus, plane or in a taxi.
These people usually fucks up their makeup and looks weird in front of everyone else.
"I just saw a public glammer on the bus, her makeup didn't end up that well." " I don't understand public glammers, I can't do it, I just mess up my brows and my wing."
Doing or saying something simply to create attention.
WB pulled a publicity stunt rebooting Superman seeming for no other reason then to change the character's ethnicity. Especially true as current actor, Henry Cavill, was universally loved in the role and had one highly successful solo movie.
i'm a 34 yo man who works at retail, I know what damn well what I'm talking about.
1: the damn american school with them shitty teachers pisses me off.
2: Blame the public school system
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