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The jittery Jays

When you're in a 1v1 and you start to get hella nervous and start sweating like a f*cking useless faggot. You then start to deny the fact that you're sh*t at the game even after all your mates just saw you choke and took the fattest L of your life

I was in a 1v1 and got the jittery jays and i choked and took a fat L

by TheFatL September 24, 2016

Jai Campbell

Jai is a person that has a really blocked nose. He also has a hot mum.

“Oh hey, Jai.”

“Hey man, how are you?”

Good thanks, did you get your nose fixed yet?”

“Jai Campbell is a person that has a really blocked nose.”

by JacobCan’tSayQuote November 30, 2022

jay kay

The pronounciation of the acronym jk, which stands for just kidding. Used as internet lingo, or, for really cool people, in real life conversations.

John: ...um...I think I might be gay.
Rob: Will you marry me?
John: jay kay! ...and...uh...no?

by Mikey P in the Flesh July 19, 2005

49👍 17👎


a rapper with abnormally large lips.

Oh, and also associated with Beyonce, Def Jam,Rihanna, and has beef with Nas.

But, mostly, has very, very large lips.

Girl 1: "Did you see Leeza's new lips?"
Girl 2: "Ohmigosh, I know, EW."
Girl 1: "Yeah,I heard she was going for an Angelina Jolie look, but her doctor went crazy with the collage and now she looks like Jay-Z!"

by Dakica February 11, 2008

432👍 193👎


a drunken abreviation of blowjob
if your too blazed or souced to even pronounce the whole word

boy " whatcha doing baby?"
girl" imaa give you the besst blow-jay EVER"

by Suicide October 26, 2007

11👍 2👎

greasy jay

a person who does not shower for about a week and their hair gets so greasy that it forms greasy jay hooks on their forehead

hey look at konecny kid over there, he is sure a greasy jay.

by mister alot March 23, 2010

11👍 2👎

Va Jay Jay Fest

The opposite of a sausage fest

“Hey, va jay jay fest isn’t a thing.”
“Maybe they should make it a thing”

by BadGroudon November 15, 2020