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Tiny active also known as baby3

Tiny active is a joint

by Tiny active June 25, 2023


A joint is a part in the skeleton that give you the ability to bend a part of your body. For example, your elbow and your knee.

To plié in ballet you need to use your joint to bend the knees.

by Blabla October 18, 2015



John went out to smoke a joint

by Joaooo111111 June 2, 2020


A holy stick of green beauty & a folded piece of card, wrapped in a thin layer of paper. Pinched & twisted at the end. Using a lighter to ignite the tip of the joint, place it between your soft, watering lips. When you first inhale, you don't expect much. But the moment that smoke travels down your throat to your lungs, you can't get enough. Hold the smoke for several seconds then release that gorgeous cloud. Repetitively do this, until you are left with the resin. A collection of saliva, burnt flakes & larger chunks of the chop. The resin can either be removed and used in a glass device such as a bong/pipe or you can carry on inhaling the resin. However, it has a sour/stingy taste to it. Not too pleasant. But worth the high.

1 Sentence Summary for "Joint": A roll of chopped marijuana in thin paper, ignited at the tip and then used like a straw to get high.

Example 1:

Man 1: Hey man, you got a bong to smoke this.
Man 2: Nah dude, I never smoke from bongs. They're unclean & share so many germs. Possible to contain HIV.
Man 1: So what we gonna smoke this with then
Man 2: Joints of course! It personally gets me higher. And so easy to use. And simple to hide
Man 1: Alright, well blaze it up man

Example 2:
Johnny smashed his bong, lent his pipe to a friend, had no tobacco for a blunt, ran out of brownie mix, had no money for other edibles & didn't charge his vape the night before. So he was left with his favourite way of taking in weed... JOINTS!! WHOOP WHOOP!

by L U C I D April 21, 2018


A holy stick of green beauty & a folded piece of card, wrapped in a thin layer of paper. Pinched & twisted at the end. Using a lighter to ignite the tip of the joint, place it between your soft, watering lips. When you first inhale, you don't expect much. But the moment that smoke travels down your throat to your lungs, you can't get enough. Hold the smoke for several seconds then release that gorgeous cloud. Repetitively do this, until you are left with the resin. A collection of saliva, burnt flakes & larger chunks of the chop. The resin can either be removed and used in a glass device such as a bong/pipe or you can carry on inhaling the resin. However, it has a sour/stingy taste to it. Not too pleasant. But worth the high.

1 Sentence Summary for "Joint": A roll of chopped marijuana in thin paper, ignited at the tip and then used like a straw to get high.

Example 1:

Man 1: Hey man, you got a bong to smoke this.
Man 2: Nah dude, I never smoke from bongs. They're unclean & share so many germs. Possible to contain HIV.
Man 1: So what we gonna smoke this with then
Man 2: Joints of course! It personally gets me higher. And so easy to use. And simple to hide
Man 1: Alright, well blaze it up man

Example 2:
Johnny smashed his bong, lent his pipe to a friend, had no tobacco for a blunt, ran out of brownie mix, had no money for other edibles & didn't charge his vape the night before. So he was left with his favourite way of taking in weed... JOINTS!! WHOOP WHOOP!

by L U C I D April 21, 2018

To crack a joint

Commonly mistaken with the action of putting force on a bodypart where multiple bones meet, causing the "joint" to make a cracking or popping sound.

To crack a joint actually means to consuming Marihuana or as the hip folk say it "to smoke a doobie" or "to smoke trees".

Me: Do you have evening plans?
Mathias: Not really, want to crack a joint?
Me: What joint? Fingers or toes? Why would I want to do that all evening?

by No_lies_213 July 15, 2022

Vampire Joint

Vampire Joint is when you you roll a fat joint and fill the crutch with tissue paper, then you use the crutch of the joint to tickle your ladies coochie. After the inevitable climax, you insert the joint, crutch first, deep into your baby mamas juicebox. Later that day you come back and your baby moma has food ready for you, so you feel inclined to get toasty, you ask your baby moma to bend over as you remove the now Vampire Joint out of her blood oozing twat. And there you have it, A Vampire Joint.

Hey Bonnie, why don't you come by the master bedroom and bend over, i'd like to retrive my Vampire Joint!

by yo momms box biatch April 10, 2020