Oh that's luh gang frl she's pretty and talented
Oh bro that's luh Li she gang frl
females makin themself cum to release stress , gts , or be happy
bae i’m having a li play right now i’ll text you when i’m done
Stank lies have emerged in contemporary slang as a way to describe a specific type of lie that goes beyond the ordinary. It is used to characterize a falsehood that is not only false but also carries an extra layer of audacity, offensiveness, absurdity, implausibility and foul odor.
Susan: My man just bought me 10.02ct pink diamond earrings, and he said they shipped today!
Meghan: Oh really? That's a little expensive.
Susan: Yes, and we are going out tonight, I'm picking him up at 8pm.
Meghan: Wow! Ok!
Susan: He also bought me this candy perfume, it was sweet. He tried it on to see if I'd like it.
Meghan: Was it the pink bottle?
Susan: Well he said he didn't have the bottle with him, but I could smell it on his collar.
Meghan: Well you may be young, but don't be stupid. Believe me, If his lips are movin' he's tellin' Stank Lies!
The moon is made up of illusions and lies
The moon illusions and lies
Jaden Li is bully, not nice, not kind. Jaden has a crush on Mia and is in an abusive relationship after she gave him a swollen eye.
Jaden Li is not nice