The act of laying down with multiple people where 2 create the base layer, and the next 2 lay on top, and so on and so forth. See Willy Wonka's bed scene where the grandparents are all in bed together, for an example.
Matt: Yo, what should we do tonight?
Lucas: I want to keep it chill - Lincoln Logging sounds nice.
The act of men stacking penises on top of eachother.
Lincoln logging : Abraham Lincoln stacked dicks with me at the part last night
Done in a outside setting, the action of, limited to intent, with purpose,going into a porta potty and dedicating on top of a complete strangers foundation (dedication)
At the festival last weekend Bucky imagined he would build himself a real home made of crap as he sat in the public crap shack, Lincoln logging the biggest and longest turds he could muster
When 4 men 69 each other in a square. 2 lay on their backs parallel and 2 lay face down on top of them connecting penis to mouth in the 4 corners. The other two lay down on top perpendicular so each dude is connected to two other dudes like Lincoln logs. More floors can be added as long as there are four dudes per floor added.
Wow, the bachelor party at EDC was wild, ended up Lincoln Logging with three of the other bros
When you shove a roll of pennies up your ass and then shit them out.
The chocolate Lincoln was slowly coming out.
When you're addicted to xanax, adderall, klopolin, cocaine, and percocet all at the same time.
"Dude, what ever happened to josh?"
"Him? Oh, he went and got himself a case of the Lincoln Park Special"
A really hot guy who goes To Cheyenne traditional school and has many friends and is a great athlete. and is so funny .
Look at Lincoln Hurter he is so hot right?