March 29, national get fucked up drunk day. whatever day of the week it is, you and your friends have to get really fucking drunk.
Hey! we need to drink tonight.
- Why?
It's March 29, it's the national "get drunk day"
March 29th is national kiss your boyfriend day
Hey it’s March 29 give me unlimited kisses
March 29 is the day when you show your crush this and they have to give you their number or social media so yall are able to talk and send memes to them :)
person 1: “Hey what day is today?”
person 2: “March 29, why?”
person 1: “HOLD UP, wheres *****”
When someone roasts another person
"He just went 29 Degrees on your ass" usually followed by "ahhhhhh got him" or some other saying.
Gf: wtf are you doing?
Me (who is a gigachad and like men) it's 29 november
national tickle your bestfriend day :))
me:* tickles my best friend*
best friend: AAAAA WHY
me: it’s 29 november >;)
National Second Chance to Send a Titty Pic Day for those who forgot
Yo, u forgot again? all good, its January 29 u got another shot..