Small group of people who only have sex among themselves presumably to help lower their risk of STIs, HIV, Monkeypox, COVID, etc. Pod members monitor symptoms after last exposure and limit sexual partners to other pod members.
Initially adapted from POZ.COM article, "Six Ways We Can Have Safer Sex in the Time of Monkeypox" by Nicholas Diamond, Joe Osmundson, and Grant Roth. Featured on info-graphics from Gay Sexuality & Social Policy Initiative at University of Southern California Los Angles Luskin.
My buddies created our sex pod to help prevent us from getting monkeypox.
The thing that holds the juice in the e-cig juul or usb stick. Typically sold for around $13.00-$20.00.
Jackson: Did you hear about what the FDA did to juul pods?
Dalton: No what’d they do?!
Jackson: They stopped selling fruit flavors in stores bc to many underaged people were using them...
Dalton: No way bro?! RIP to mango pods :(
It's like a way of saying... anything. It means absolutely anything ONLY IF you know the context of what it stands for. Only real ones know... iykyk.
That's fr so pod.
Ur being pod rn.
A POD (or P.O.D.) is an abbreviation for the phrase "People Are Dumb." This is commonly used on a TikTok series called the People Are Dumb Show.
Hi, welcome back to the POD show. This man wants to start a conversation, and tried to tell me that "The Quick Brown Fpx Jumped Over The Lazy Dog" has every single letter in it. Well Wheres THE S DUMBASSSSSSSS
Sheeeesh! Think of rainbows and butterflies in your belly. Unique is just the beginning. Once you go black, you never go back! Enough said. :)
Acronym for personality on display. Typically used in text conversations with regard to people watching.
Man, that hipster wearing the Yale blue "KALE" shirt is kind of attractive. Too bad his POD looks obnoxious as hell.