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peep the eyes

when one “peeps the eyes”, one will open their eyes kind of wide and then take a photograph so that the viewers of said photo can peep them

peep the eyes

by thiccvibez July 21, 2019

juni boi peep

A tall sexy man that lives 1000 miles away and loves josie and frankie

hi i’m juni boi peep

by josielevyyy May 27, 2021

Peep That Meat

to see something sexual

Asking for nudes or a hookup: "I'm just trying to peep that meat."

by Hipps January 13, 2021

peeping beat

Being real. On the level.

He was peeping beat for what it is. He was absolutely telling it like it is.

by Xjenpoch February 28, 2021

Lil Peep Mode

When someone is so high that wants to sleep or just chilly.

Everytime he smoke pot, he goes on Lil Peep Mode

by R0yD February 20, 2018

Peeping Tom and Orange Doe

Peeping Tom and Orange Doe is a spin off of the story of orange doe. Peeping Tom was looking through a window when she saw Orange Doe brushing his teeth in perfect condition even though his hands were not recovered. She stole the toothbrush and had their baby, Psychology.

Peeping Tom and Orange Doe are couple goals- their cheating son psychology is not a goal, though.

by Doe Life July 9, 2024


when you poop and pee at the same time

''So i was taking a peep, and the toilet got clogged.''

by plsdonthurtmeh June 11, 2017