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Russian Dough

A popular slang word for marijuana, often used in Massachusetts.

Mmm, I love me some of that Russian dough.

by Ginny'stoned July 27, 2009

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Russian Necklace

When you take a shit across someone’s neck. Can be sexual, or a show of dominance.

β€œAfter I knocked Victor out, I gave him a Russian Necklace, so he would remember not to fuck with me”

by Victor Crumb June 28, 2022

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The Russian Mitten

This occurs when one man or woman, homosexual or just plain curious, coats his or her fist with vodka flavored lube and forcefully inserts it into the recipient's Five Hole.

"By the way, I got The Russian Mitten for the first time last night, more comfortable then you would think."

verb - "Hey Francis, I cannot wait to get Russian Mittened on Christmas this year."

by Steve Nonjourney- Perry June 13, 2009

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Russian Waterfall

A Russian Waterfall is the situation when you gotta pee and your girl is peeing you just pee between her legs as she is sitting and peeing as well

Sally would't hurry up in the damn bathroom so i gave her the Russian Waterfall treatment

by Tamey January 10, 2012

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mexican russian

A delicious take on the White Russian. Substitute the half and half of a white russian for chocolate milk. Quik can also be used.

"I got this chick all drunk off Mexican Russians, but she puked all over me before anything could happen".

by Rusty Shakelford December 23, 2004

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Russian Bath

Also known as a pirate bath, a "Russian Bath" is a bath where you wash your arm pits, ass and genitalia in a sink generally with paper towels, a wash cloth, or just your hands. The term derives from a play on the term "rushing", not an ethnic slur.

He was late for his hot date, so he took a Russian Bath to make sure he wouldn't stink to high hell.

by Watanabe Ota September 25, 2009

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Russian Steamroller

When you defecate on someone cest during intercourse

Dude you remeber that hot girl from the bar she thought it was funny to give me a russian steamroller it smelt so bad.

by Damien Razz February 10, 2010

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