- 24/7 on twitter
- tea
- best stans in earth
- do everything to protect the legend
- no print just fax
''you better now mess with selena stans''
SneakyMilkCat/StellarKittens on ROBLOX
"Dude you are such a Pee Stan"
Stan koopmans is a person from a Dutch commercial who is a raw sex machine.
He looks so handsome and sexy.
Woah! He is so fine, he is a stan koopmans.
when you become a stan of a public figure once their popularity has long-since permeated popular culture.
wow, look at Jade hopping on the stan-wagon! you aren't quirky because you like rex orange county.
u heard me. stan loona now or die like a flop <3 now stream flip that purr
obrit: "do u stan loona?"
local: "ummm no."
orbit: "ew ur a disgrace to humanity, how dare u not stan loona!"
local: "omg ur right im such an ugly bitch i should start stanning loona for a better life and a glow up!"
A terrible and debilitating mental disease affecting roughly 10.5k people on Earth. Being a Pax Stan is defined as an inability to distinguish reality from the YouTube series "Pax" by Korean Mapping. Individuals affected by this disease will find ways of linking everything in their life to Pax and its characters. There is no known cure, though treatments include frequent fresh air and contact with grass.
A: The American age really is over.
A: What?
B: Oh, sorry, I recently got diagnosed with Pax Stan.