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Sad Salmon

The most depressed fish that can ever exist. Its diet consists on Shak-zabs and Shakiballs. This bad boi can fit alot of gay in it. When you eat it, you have a slight chance of contracting the big gey. This certain type of salmon can fly out of the water by shitting itself.

Ur mom sad salmon

by Rathew91 September 19, 2018

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Sad Flex

A style of rap where the rapper brags over a sad sounding beat so you think the song is emotional but it's really just a flex.

Joe: Wow, dude. This beat is depressing.

Dan: Listen to the lyrics though, it's a sad flex.

Lil Tjay: β™ͺ Lil Tjay β™«

by nobroam February 6, 2020

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sad days

When someone says something upsetting you'll say sad days. Things that make you sad -sad days.

I can't come over - aww sad days
I miss you. I'm having sad days here!

by sexyrussianspy November 28, 2010

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Ass sad

Ass sad is the new age version of "butt hurt"
After all we are a constantly changing society and we must simply...Move along.(censors allow us more freedom now!)

1. When one of your friends refuses to get over something and move along and wont stop pouting, whining, and acting the victim.

" DAMN IT ALEX! Stop sitting around all ass sad because Cris broke up with you. Put on a club fit and come with us to the club."

"Look. When I said you dance like crap, I was just joking. Now stop being all ass sad and get off the bar and get out on the wood and pick up a bed time story

by eJAKEulate January 15, 2008

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sad quotes

A sad quote is a picture of phrase used to describe feeling about yourself or other people or things most people use them to describe their feeling to others

β€œHey did you see those sad quotes I sent you”

β€œYeah It made me feel sad”

by Apermann December 31, 2018

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Sad Person

A sad person is someone who feels unmotivated or simply sad about what goes on in one's life. Usually due to lack of self-esteem and failure to achieve their goals. In puberty this is very common, as well as in adolescence.

He was acting like a sad person lately. I wonder what is going on with him.

by Justanotherloner April 29, 2018

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sick sad

The type of sad that comes on and sets in for many days, the type of sad that cannot be forced out of your body or mind, the type of sad that takes days for you to kill.

The homeless guy down the street, the one who always cry's right before going about his day, he's sick sad

by Krane September 16, 2013

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