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peace sign

Throwing up the peace sign means u get absolutely no bitches

You throw peace signs during photos, so you get no hoes

by beinghonest101 July 14, 2022

peace sign

you wanna kiss me x

Fran gave me a peace sign she totally wants to kiss me

by ghshdhdhx April 8, 2022

peace sign

your the only one for him

she put up a peace sign, that means she’s the only one for him

by yougetnoplay April 14, 2023

peace sign

it means "I'm closeted gay and i like dudes with big tits" so if your friend ever does this sign, support them!

he was holding up a peace sign, he's gay!

by l0velypeachez August 19, 2023

Peace sign

Putting a peace sign up in front of someone means you think they’re extremely fit

Person- **signals peace sign towards y/n**
You- “omg they fancy me xoxo

by localqtslag April 17, 2022

Peace sign

A girl doing the peace sign means she has a lot of crushes

Bro have you seen her story? She’s been doing the peace sign

by urmom281938 October 9, 2022

Peace sign

I commonly used thing for bisexuals. The bisexuals own the peace sign.

Person1:*peace sign*
Person2:your bisexual
Person1:i know i am

by BaileyPlayz August 5, 2021