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Throat Slam

The act of a male repeatidly slamming his dick into a womens throat until she vomits on his dick.

Joe: Hey honey, want to throat slam tonight?
Steebo: Oh yah Baby! what time?
... after the throat slam, Joe made her eat her eat her own puke! (:

by ashley89 January 16, 2009

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Shit Slammed

When you are constipated and pushing sooo hard, just to make that one little poo, that you painfully break your back

Jason calls in sick ..

After school, Chris calls Jason ..

Chris: Hey why weren't you at school today?

Jason: Bro .. Its a long story, and embarrassing

Chris: Aids?

Jason: Nope. I got shit slammed.

Chris: On the toilet?

Jason: Yes, on the toilet .. It was horrible .. But you cant tell anyone!!!

Chris: Damn, thats worse than AIDS. Don't worry bro, you can trust me. I gotta go .. My sister needs to use the phone.

Chris hangs up and calls Austin and Julian on 3-way

Chris: You guys will never believe what happened to Jason!!

Julian and Austin: What??

Chris: He got shit slammed!! Poor little fucker

Julian and Austin: HAHAHAHAHAHAH

by Jesselikesitinthebutt November 9, 2011

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Yummy Slam

Mean to get something to eat

Man I need some yummy slam

by Tokkin March 29, 2008

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Piano Slam

n. Loud noise that is heard in horror situations that sounds as if someone is slamming there hands on the keys of a piano

Sometimes its not the jumpscare, but the piano slam that really gets me.

by Sir Aaricus March 30, 2013

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Aqua Slam

The art of taking a crap in a moving river and avoiding projectiles in the process.

Dude!!! Did you just Aqua Slam the Buffalo River? Cha Bro and I avoided the projectile!

by barton084 March 23, 2011

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Tammy slamming

When a person (male or female) soaks a tampon in booze & then puts it in their who-who.

Omg, I am so drunk right now because I amTammy slamming a bottle of absolute!

by SmartassSF January 23, 2016

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piece of slam

a small portion of one strand of feces

You get on my nerves so bad! You are a piece of slam!

by Doobdalda September 26, 2006

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