Getting a deodorant can and spraying it into your arsehole until it becomes really bright red.
Me and katy where trying spraying and praying last night after that her arse hurt for a month
When an eshay sprays cum and piss into someone's TNs after rolling them
Eshay 1: "io baa, just rolled some kid for his TNs"
Eshay 2: "Niceee lad, Did you remember to do the eshay spray?"
When one uses the shower head to masturbate in the shower.
"Yo shelisa, I had a blast using the spray yard last night."
It is when you were PEPPER SPRAYED for no legitimate reason except the ONUS.
Then a second time I was PEPPER SPRAYED as I was in a RESTROOM STALL going through my belongings and it was the DAY OF THE SUPER BOWL that had just finished and because early on somebody asked me who would win and I would not say, they lost their BET and PEPPER SPRAYED me , knocked on my stall as ALLIED SECURITY UNIVERSAL SERVICES (ASUS) for short as they were taken off the RTC CONTRACT due to lots of VIOLATIONS and this was at SOUTH STRIP TRANSFER TERMINAL. I threw my SIM CARD down the toilet as I felt super threatened after they had pushed me for no reason you can say ELDER ABUSE AND VEGAS NAZISM and at the time I was dressed in full male attire which caused me tremendous problems but ASUS losing the SUPER BOWL BET and throwing the SIM CARD away may have been PEPPER SPRAY RESOLVEMENT PART II but more it was a very windy day and it ALLEVIATED a lot of the PAIN thanks to the weather but I fought the elements with my personal effects when they forced me away from the terminal.
When one bakes... then sprays... (does drugs, then uses air freshener on nearby trash cans). This is a new charity... Febrezing the trash cans. Anyone can participate. It is a tax write off.
"Yo, what are you doing?", as a man sprays febreze on a trash can in a park.
"Im trying out this new Bake 'N Spray thing yo"
When you're shittting on the toilet with a boner and your pee sprays up between the seat and the base of the toilet to either go on your pants or make a puddle on the floor.
Haha Peter must have hard mist sprayed look at the piss stain on his ass!
Son- "I think the toilets leaking from the bottom"
Dad- "no son, your hard mist spray created a puddle"
the cheese that you spray
dude 1: yo dude! maddie gave some spray cheese earlier
dude 2: dude! that's the best gift.