The asshole neighbor you get when you try to turn an asshole into a boy next door.
A few people tried to tame the guy like he was a playful dog or a racehorse, but he didn't have the same kind of relationship even some of the more unruly, wilder horses had with people. The more they tried, the more they met the asshole next door.
You could have but that's not actually what you're doing, is it?
Hym "Instead you're using it to recruit shills. They are necessarily the weakest people with the least integrity. You scoop yourself up a shill. The next person dies. Scoop up another shill. The next person stabbed up some people. 10 people die. Scoop up a shill. Bang bang bang. 12 people die. You scoop up another shill. You got a bucket of shills but every time you're reminded what you're doing you cry like a bitch. It's like you're trying to stop a flood but cupping your hands and sticking your arms out."
word typed and publicated by a "brave" roblox player.
wow! This i hope your next poop is sharp image is magnifying!
I think marriage is just a piece of paper. You see the same face every day. Might not be suitable, might not be able to satisfy, might not understand you, doesn’t get privacy issue. While as next level burger can be as many men as you want when you want!
Next level burger is better than marriage!
It is when you move on to the next level ( the people surrounding already have bad thoughts and presume the worst so no one cares) it doesn’t involve legal marriage but who cares if it will cause you tears and un satisfaction do it!
I moved on To Next Level Burger but the gay man told everyone!
Is a fine ass lil baddie with planets and stuff tattooed by her tigo bitties. She’s a good cuddler. Causes awkward times erections.
Ari next to me gots my dick on brick