A fast moving object fueled by sausages.
Boy oh Boy! Look at that sausage rocket go! He must have a tank full of sausages to be going that fast!
6π 2π
A mixed metaphor describing a non-existent, yet implicitly high level of qualification. The greatness of this term is in its subtle ability to call someone stupid twice in one euphemism. The irony may go over someone's head and they would call out that this field of study doesn't exist.
A: Come on, it's not rocket surgery.
B: Are you fuckin retarded? There is no rocket surgery. Anyway, this is hard. I don't want to fuck up.
A: No dude, you're retarded. Just match the colors so I can jump start your car, dipshit.
354π 322π
a penis that is shaped or is similar to the shape of a space shuttle, rocket ship, or moon plane. it is a common misconception that the penis is at half mast, but indeed it is merely a deformity that causes the NASA appearance of the peener.
Holy shit, Gabe ran out of the shower to get his bagel from the toaster and we all saw his fuckin rocket ship.
27π 18π
Nickel Rocket ni*kel-rock*it noun, verb, -Nickel RocketΒ·ed, -Nickel RocketΒ·ing. Informal.
noun 1. a person who is stingy and miserly. reluctant to give or spend; not generous; niggardly; penurious.
verb (used without object) 2. to act in a stingy or miserly way. scanty or meager.
1. (noun) Donald Trump bought Ed McMahon's house to save it from foreclosure and then leased it back to him! Ed McMahon is a real nickel rocket!
2. (verb) DC from marketing put me on a southwest flight, he is really nickle rocketing my travel plans.
3. (verb) CC took me to his private golf course on Saturday. He nickel rocketed the driving range golf ball machine by using a fake slug that jammed the ball dispenser.
9π 4π
1) Any body that are overly competitive at every thing and will do anything to win.
2) someone who will compete with u in everything
He is such a rocket power. All he want to do is to compete with me in everything especially in sex
I can't do anything when that rocket power is over there, even with the smallest step he wants to compete against me
Bro!, stop being a rocket power! I just want to skate!
9π 4π
a small bus no longer than any van that is used to transport retards from place to place and sort of looks like a rocket
the retard rocket wizzzed by me and it went on its mission to the moon!
41π 30π
a weapon that is used to bother sharks, preferably resulting in the shark attacking you and leaving bite marks on your side
I have this thing called a Shark Rocket and I shoot it at them. And it really annoys sharks. And then I just wade there in the water and they come at me. But I'm really good at eluding them. I know this hip move, it's something porpoises do and I then I pretend that I have a bottleneck and I stab them in the gills. And it really is effective. I just punched it and it let me go. And tell me there's no time in your life when you swim faster than when a fuckin' shark lets you go, your just like "Aahhh no," you're on the beach, "Aahhh no!" Fucking shark let's you go and if you don't get pussy with that story, "You want to see my scar?"
17π 10π